Tuesday, July 24, 2012

culture and consumer behavior

Individual/feminine- The Carlsberg commercial portrays feminist characteristics by showing togetherness and having everyone share everything. As the new guy is taking a tour of the house, everyone is getting along with each other and having a good time, which is how women generally behave. Another female point of view is that everyone should share and get along, like in this commercial. Everything is being shared except for the Carlsberg beer. They show individualism by having the beer be the only thing not being shared. The guy giving the tour has his own beer that he can claim for himself. He is an individual in that sense.
Individual/masculine- In the Diet Pepsi commercial, they show individualism simply by having the man have his own ideas about how his life is going to play out. His ideas aren’t based on the social norm. In the same way, the commercial is also masculine because the idea behind it is that conforming to the norm isn’t good. It’s saying that you always have to be better than the norm, which is a huge pressure on males in our society.
Collective/feminine- The Movistar Spain commercial, the people are together, socializing at a restaurant that clearly reflects their culture. This is how the company is gearing the commercial towards the idea of being collective. They also use more feminine activities such as singing and talking in this advertisement to show the feminine side.  
Collective/masculine- In the Tiovita Japan commercial, they show a group of similar looking men playing football or rugby together, showing them as a collective group. They also portray the masculine qualities of playing a hard sport, of being fit, and yelling and acting tough.

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