United States 34,870 40 91 62 46
Ireland 23,060 28 70 68 35
France 22,690 68 71 43 86
To start off, France is almost double the United States and
is more than double Ireland in the Power Distribution Index. This means that
the French are highly dependent on authority such as a manager or a boss and
rarely criticize or critique them. On the other hand the United States is
almost average in this category; however Ireland has a low PDI meaning they don’t
rely on authority and communicate freely between their mangers and bosses.
In the Individuality index, Ireland and France are sitting
the same at about 70, whereas the United States have a high score of 91. This means
that people in the United States have loose ties to each other, enjoy making
their own decisions and try to form their own identity. France and Ireland also
have high scores proving they too show this trait, however it is the strongest
in the United States.
The third Category is masculinity index. In this category
the United States and Ireland stand just above average, leaning more towards masculine
behaviors meaning there are
clear gender roles for men and women. Men tend to be tough, aggressive,
competitive, and assertive. High MAS also means that the country puts
more importance on economics than the environment. It is shown near the middle
I presume because both Ireland and the United States are making strong recent
pushes to ‘Go Green’ and recycle. The French on the other hand have low MAS,
meaning they promote emotional relationships between members, and open displays
of emotion, harmony and cooperation. In a country with low MAS people are more
likely to be modest, honest, and not over-exaggerate themselves.
Finally there is the Uncertainty
Avoidance Index which shows the amount that people prefer to be governed by
rules, laws, and standard operating procedures, and accept uncertainty or
ambiguity. In this category, the three countries vary in results. Again,
Ireland and America being similar at 35 and 46 respectfully meaning that they
are more relaxed and don’t tend to worry as much when things go wrong such as
things starting early or running late. Ireland has a lower UAI than America and
it was clear to see when visiting that people there are full of patients and
are very nice open and inviting people. France on the other hand has a very
high UAI at 86. Having a high UAI means that they prefer to have things well
planned, ordered and run on time. They also believe that life should be
governed by rules and laws, thus removing uncertainty. Now the United States
certainly has rules and laws which is why they still have a 46 rating, however a
lot of the rules can be bent or vary from state to state, therefore people are
less likely to follow them without strict consequences.